Abdkareem Idris

As the preparations for the 2023 general elections gather momentum, the Catholic Bishop of Ekiti Diocese, Most Rev. Felix Ajakaye, has called on Nigerians to shun vote selling and vote buying.

Bishop Ajakaye, described votes buying and selling as crime against humanity, saying such inglorious tendencies must not be allowed to rear its ugly head in the 2023 election.

“We must get back our beloved country, Nigeria, from the few who think they are owners. We, the people, are the original owners”.

The Catholic Bishop made the remarks in his new year message titled: “2023: Year of Practical Decision”, saying vote selling and vote buying are sins, they are crimes against humanity.

Ajakaye appeal to the eligible voters who have not collected their voters’ cards to make necessary sacrifice to collect them from the Independent National Electoral Commission, INEC, within the specific period.

He expressed concern over the untoward attitudes of some politicians whose stock in trade was circumventing the rule of law for their personal gains

According to the Cleric, “they engage in fake primaries and want to win elections by all means. They get to power crudely and behave true to type – selfish and treasury looters”.

“We tend not to be having people with sterling qualities to lead. Instead, we are being ruled by selfish and incompetent people devoid of positive and meaningful ideas.

“In our preparation for the forthcoming general elections in Nigeria, we must work harder to turn our dreams and visions into realities.

“We should not continue to be indifferent when Nigeria keeps collapsing, we must put an end to our series of lamentations”, the Bishop said.