Thelma Osatohanmwen

Its no longer news that social media has made a lot of relationships crumble due to some factors that results from unnecessary pressure.

Many has lost their precious diamond while looking for stones, they have unknowingly being inaugurated into the choir singing the song of “had I known” hmmmmm, sad yeah???, I know.

Everyone wants the perfect partner but wait, is there ever a perfect partner, are you even perfect ?

“He’s or she’s no longer my spec, I have fallen out of love” some will say.

Hmmmmm, my dear if this is you, then this piece is for you, cause I love and I desire your happiness.

Here are 4 signs to know that social media is killing your relationship slowly;

1. Unhealthy Comparison
You stream a lot of videos with couples going on vacations, pricey restaurants, shopping sprees and you begin to wish and fantasize. it is a good thing to admire but my dear don’t make comparisons, because nobody posts their problems and ugly sides online .

2. Privacy Invasion
Social media in a way has led to privacy invasion, such as when partners snoop on each other’s accounts or share private information without consent.

3. Unrealistic Expectations
Real life is more than highlights or reels from the gram, when you spend too much time on social media you sometimes want to level up with what you see not minding what’s at stake.

4. Addiction
Fixation with social media can be addictive and lead to less quality time spent with loved ones.

However, it’s important to note that social media can also have positive effects on relationships, such as helping people stay connected with long-distance loved ones.

It’s therefore wise, to be aware of the potential negative impacts and take steps to mitigate them. This can include setting ground rules for social media use, taking a social media detox, and prioritizing real-life interactions over online ones.