Thelma Osatohanmwen 



Drummer Kunle Ayanlowo has stirred controversy by issuing a stern warning to his former boss and Fuji Maestro, King Wasiu Ayinde, popularly known as Kwam1 or K1 De Ultimate.

In a viral video, Ayanlowo recounted a shocking betrayal, alleging that Kwam1 had engaged in an extramarital affair with his woman while they were in Paris.

He expressed disbelief and disappointment, revealing that he had sponsored his woman to accompany him to Paris, only to discover that Kwam1 had betrayed his trust by sleeping with her.

Ayanlowo did not mince words, asserting that Kwam1’s purported infidelity knows no bounds, claiming that there is no woman he wouldn’t pursue.

Ayanlowo challenged Kwam1’s assertion that he was unable to read or write English, highlighting the inconsistency of such a claim given his ability to communicate effectively with white people.

He urged Kwam1 to reconsider his actions and warned him against further transgressions.

In his impassioned warning, Ayanlowo cautioned Kwam1 to refrain from interfering in his affairs and to heed the consequences if he disregards the warning.