Gloria Ogbu


Amaka have admitted that she loves Pharmsavi but still trying to process what exactly she wants and is not interested in a romantic relationship with him. She revealed her last relationship hit the rocks three months ago and does not want to make a hasty decision at the moment.

The 23-year-old told Pharmsavi that she sees him as a good friend, and he replied by saying they can keep that vibe. She however said: “If it’s the way we play that is arising the feelings. I can limit the way I play with you”.

Amaka also said she does not want to look like a bad person; correcting the erroneous notion about her type of man as other housemates thought she had stereotypes that Pharmsavi doesn’t fit into.

Pharmsavi admitted to having a romantic feeling for Amaka but didn’t want to rush things; taking it slow and wanting the love vibe to come naturally. Amaka had formerly thought Pharmsavi was being strategic.

Amaka added that Pharmsavi is free to have a romantic relationship with any other housemate he wishes, she also has a crush on Level 1 housemate, Giddyfia.

She thinks Pharmsavi has feelings for Christy O and Modella and he’s free to have fun with other ladies; exploring other options because she is not interested at the moment. The statement made Pharmsavi sad as he would have loved the pair to be lovers.

However, Amaka still hopes they can become lovers after the show but Pharmsavi thinks there is a slim chance of such a possibility.