…says attention be paid to Tribunals and their outcome

Emmanuel Adeoye

The Vice President of Nigeria, Prof Yemi Osinbanjo has revealed that decline in illicit election financing in the nation lies in the implementation of a cashless policy.

Disclosing this on his official Twitter handle after a meeting with a delegation of the European Union Election Observation Mission, the Vice President suggested that with the policy, all movements of funds would be able to be tracked.

In his words, “When effectively operated, a cashless policy in Nigeria can help stem the surge of illicit election financing by making it possible to track funds.”

Prof. Osinbanjo, while addressing the issue of Electoral Offences, expressed his hope on the new Electoral Offences Commission Bill, which he believes would help deal with electoral offences.

“Electoral offences are always seen through a political prism; people will assume that they are being prosecuted because they belong to one political party or the other.

“There is the Electoral Offences Commission Bill currently at the National Assembly and we hope that it will begin a new regime of dealing with electoral offences.”

The Vice President further called for more monitoring of the judicial system and their outcomes in the country.

“more attention should be paid to the monitoring of tribunals and their outcomes. In the past, there have been discussions around the malfeasance of some judges. Those who are found guilty must be brought to book.” He said