Gloria Ogbu

The Chairman, Nigeria Medical Association, NMA, Ekiti state, Dr. Babatunde Rosiji has decried the high level of brain drain in the state hospitals.

The Chairman of the Association stated that many doctors are leaving for greener pastures.

Dr. Rosiji who said this on Tuesday during a courtsey visit on the leadership of the Nigeria Union Journalists, Ekiti State Council, noted that the development has depleted the number of doctors in the state hospitals.

In his words: “Doctors in Ekiti state are leaving Nigeria. As at today, we have just 85 consultants. We are supposed to have 800 doctors in Ekiti state but as at today, we have just 500 doctors. In some hospitals in Ekiti, we have 1 medical doctor, in the best case scenario, we have 2 doctors instead of 9 doctors.

“Things are going wrong in the health sector in Ekiti, I hope we won’t get to the point where we will have native doctors in hospitals.”

Dr. Rosiji also lamented the way doctors in Ekiti state were treated calling on the government to look into the welfare of health workers in the state to enable them carry out their essential duty effectively.

“Personally I came down with COVID-19 more than twice, even some of my members suffered it too but we were not even recognized while awards for fighting COVID-19 were given to other people who I can say don’t deserve it.

“You know our work is very sensitive, we are over laboured, over-worked and under paid. The government will deal with us and our patients will also deal with us at the same time. We call on the state government to look into our welfare.”

He however revealed that the union is on a fight against quackery in the medical field in Ekiti State.

See pictures from the visit below: