Stephen Dunmoye

The Secretary General of the World football governing body, FIFA, Fatma Samoura has declared to leave FIFA with high sense of pride and fulfilment at the end of this year.

NEWSTODAYNG gathered that the Senegalese diplomat, Samoura was appointed by FIFA President, Gianni Infantino in May 2016 as the first woman to occupy the Secretary General position.

She is first female and non-European to hold the role as head of FIFA’s administration after working with the United Nations in the Republic of Djibouti, Cameroon, Chad, Guinea, Niger, Madagascar and Nigeria.

She has led the development of the Women’s football, transforming FIFA as an organisation and breaking new barriers but she disclosed she will be quitting to spend more time with her immediate family.

Samoura appreciated President Infantino for his support and trust to give her the Job she dreamt of.

According to her, “It was the best decision of my life to join FIFA. I am very proud to have led such a diverse team. My first word of thanks goes to Gianni Infantino for giving me this dream job. He has shown trust, understanding and an incredible level of support.

“It is a pleasure to work alongside someone that has transformed FIFA. FIFA today is a better governed, more open, more reliable and more transparent organisation. I will leave FIFA with a high sense of pride and fulfilment.

“I had intended to share my news first with the FIFA Council members next week, but I am aware there has been growing speculation about my position in recent months.

“For now, I am fully focused on the preparation and delivery of the upcoming Women’s World Cup in Australia and New Zealand. I look forward to spending the next six months bringing to life the 11 objectives that President Infantino announced at the FIFA Congress in Kigali in March. From next year, I would like to spend more time with my family. I have been in love with football since I was eight years old and I feel honoured to have been on this journey.”