Adebayo Adenrele

…tasks reporters on ethical practices ahead of 2023 polls

The Vice-President of Nigeria Union of Journalists (NUJ), South West, Comrade Ronke Afebioye-Samo, has felicitated Journalists in B-Zone and the entire country as the year 2022 rounds up.

In a statement signed by the VP and made available to Newsmen in Ado-Ekiti, she rejoiced with journalists, Media owners, stakeholders and friends of NUJ in the South West and Nigeria as the year 2022 ends in less than 24 hours, while wishing all and sundry a prosperous new year in advance. 

Samo expressed profound gratitude to the Almighty God for protecting Journalists through the fading 2022

The statement reads: “As the year 2022 is winding up and we are  embracing a brand new year, 2023,  in less than 24 hours time, l felicitate my colleagues in the South West and in our great country Nigeria at large, for being alive and well to witness the end of this year and praying the great Lord will protect us all into the new year, 2023.

“No doubt, 2022 was both a year of challenges and successes, l urge us to continue to uphold the ethical principles of our noble profession as not only watchdogs of the society but also its conscience. 

I urge us to shun acts capable of portraying us in bad light as we practice our trade with a view to mainly protect the overall public interest.

“As we are approaching an election year, our responsibility as the fourth estate of the realm, should take priority over any personal matters in our dealings with issues of public interest as we must have the best interest of the people at heart in discharging our duties, with utmost dedication and commitment to the ideals of democracy and nationhood.

“Media managers, stakeholders and particularly government at all levels are all enjoined to give our colleagues the enabling environment to function properly as watchdogs of our society and more importantly, as the fourth estate of the realm. Acts capable of gagging the media on the part of politicians and government officials are advised to be discouraged as we pursue a truly democratic process that will guarantee quality participation in nation building by all parties and bring meaningful progress and development to our great country.”