Thelma Osatohanmwen

says it’s his most valuable assets


Popular American television host Nick Cannon has insured his testicles for a staggering amount of $10 million.

NEWSTODAYNG gathered that the father of twelve made this disclosure during a recent interview with Entertainment Tonight, citing the necessity to protect what he considers his “most valuable assets.”

Cannon explained that his decision was influenced by the trend among celebrities, particularly athletes, who insure their valuable body parts, such as legs and he felt the need to follow the trend by insuring his testicles.

“I had to insure my most valuable assets, because you hear about all these different celebrities insuring their legs … so I was like, ‘Hey, well, I got to insure my most valuable body part, ’” he stated.

Despite the hefty insurance policy, Cannon assured that he has no immediate plans to expand his family further. The move is merely a precaution to ensure nothing goes awry with his testicles.