GAZA CITY, GAZA - JULY 20: Palestinian Hamas militants are seen during a military show in the Bani Suheila district on July 20, 2017 in Gaza City, Gaza. For the past ten years Gaza residents have lived with constant power shortages, in recent years these cuts have worsened, with supply of regular power limited to four hours a day. On June 11, 2017 Israel announced a new round of cuts at the request of the Palestinian authorities and the decision was seen as an attempt by President Mahmoud Abbas to pressure Gaza's Hamas leadership. Prior to the new cuts Gaza received 150 megawatts per day, far below it's requirements of 450 megawatts. In April, Gaza's sole power station which supplied 60 megawatts shut down, after running out of fuel, the three lines from Egypt, which provided 27 megawatts are rarely operational, leaving Gaza reliant on the 125 megawatts supplied by Israel's power plant. The new cuts now restrict electricity to three hours a day severely effecting hospital patients with chronic conditions and babies on life support. During blackout hours residents use private generators, solar panels and battery operated light sources to live. June 2017 also marked ten years since Israel began a land, sea and air blockade over Gaza. Under the blockade, movement of people and goods is restricted and exports and imports of raw materials have been banned. The restrictions have virtually cut off access for Gaza's two million residents to the outside world and unemployment rates have skyrocketed forcing many people into poverty and leaving approximately 80% of the population dependent on humanitarian aid. (Photo by Chris McGrath/Getty Images)

Hope James

Terrorists on Sunday night attacked St. Agnes Catholic Church in the Gassol Local Government Area of Taraba State and abducted a catechist.

The Parish Priest of St. Agnes Parish, Rev. Fr. Lawrence Awua, told newsmen on the phone that terrorists invaded the church and began shooting at 9:58 pm.

“I was in the room when the attackers came and started shooting sporadically and hitting objects on my door.

“I never responded and they probably thought I was not around.

“My catechist, who was in the church heard what was happening in the Parish House and was coming towards the house when they abducted him,” he said.

Similarly, gunmen on Sunday afternoon shot one Mr. Tavershima Faga in Borno-kurku, Bali local government area of the state.

Faga was returning from a church service on a motorcycle when he was shot and left in his pool of blood.

The Chief of Tiv in Bali, Zaki Gbaa, confirmed the attack in a telephone interview with newsmen.

“Yes, Tavershima Faga was attacked at about 2:10 pm yesterday. The attackers thought he died and they left.

“It was a passerby who saw him alive and alerted the community. He is currently receiving treatment at an undisclosed hospital,” he said.

These attacks came barely two weeks after gunmen killed Pastor Solomon Maji on his way back from church in Borno-kurku.

The Police Public Relations Officer, DSP. Usman Abdullahi, did not respond to calls to his line as of the time of filing this report.