…4 days to 2023 World Cancer Day

By Ajiri Imah

The World Cancer Day observed annually on February 4 has become one of the most celebrated health awareness days around the world in an effort to combat the disease.

Millions of people unite to move closer to a world where no-one dies from a preventable cancer or suffers unnecessarily and where everyone has access to the cancer care they need.

According to a Clinical Radiation Oncologist, Dr. Adedayo Joseph, who spoke on the disease on TVC’s Your view, there is no cure for cancer, but there are treatments that may be able to cure some people of some cancers.

She also stated that Nigeria has made progress on the issue of cancer in the last decade with survivors of the much dreaded disease.

Adedayo stated that cancer varies and also doesn’t correlate with age, noting that treatments for cancer may include surgery, chemotherapy and radiation therapy depending on the type of cancer.

“Everyone is afraid of cancer as it should be. If you are afraid, you’re concerned. Compared to our forefathers who ate and lived healthy, we eat out more, cook less and work more. However, a health check up yearly from at least to age 40 is essential”, she said.

She also advised that in other to deal with diagnosis of cancer, nutrition is key. People should ensure they live a healthy lifestyle and avoid diets that destroy the body system and make it difficult to fight the disease.