Adebayo Adenrele

Numbers of Residents of Oshodi, Ilupeju Avenue, Ureje, Ita Eku, and Temidire Eminrin, a suburb of Ado Ekiti Communities in Ekiti State, have lost their properties yesterday, as flood penetrated into their buildings after a downpour that lasted for over six hours on Sunday night.

NEWSTODAYNG gathered that the heavy downpour began around 10pm and winded off about 3:00am today.

The incident became worse for the residents of Temidire Emirin community, as running water from Ureje River swelled and overflown the bank, thereby deprived students, civil servants and artisans from going to schools and places of work today.

The overflown bridge only subsided around 12: 30pm to give way for residents to have access to the Ado-ABUAD-Ijan -Ekiti highway that leads to Ado Ekiti metropolis.

Meanwhile, the General Manager, Ekiti State Emergency Management Agency, Mr. Olajide Borode, said the agency had started visiting the areas affected with intention to get first hand information on the extent of damage caused by flooding.

In his words, “You all know that the government of Ekiti State is serious about disaster management policy. Safety of lives and property is a priority of the current government and we won’t joke with it.”

“Our officials are presently visiting the areas affected, so that we can get the correct information that can guide government’s action in resolving the incident.”