Hope James

A woman who pleaded anonymity has lamented on how her father in law sleeps with her mother and that her husband sees nothing wrong in it.

“I am very sure they are having sex because I have caught them severally in a dangerous mood”, she wailed.

Speaking with our reporters, she recounted on how it all started. She said, “this rubbish started in our house in Lagos, when they came visiting at the same time”.

She said: “I am the last born and the only daughter, we are just two in our family, my elder brother and I.

Our father is late. I stayed with my mom until I got married, so she finds it hard to stay without me and comes to our house every now and then to visit, and spends months with us. She is a very nice woman and my husband likes her so much.
My husband’s mom is late, so he treats my mother like his own biological mother. He even begged her to move in with us but she refused saying, our compound in the village will be full of grass if she tries it, but still comes to visit us often and she can cook for Africa…

It was during one of her visits, that my husband’s father came visiting and clicked together and became friends.

One morning, I woke up early to prepare for work, I went into mom’s room to check on her but could not find her. As I was about to call her, I saw my mom coming out from my father in law’s room adjusting her wrapper, since that day, I started monitoring both of them.

They were so friendly, if I and hubby goes to work, they will be alone till we come back. Every evening, they will both sit down outside gisting, joking and laughing like real husband and wife.

When they finally left for the village, they continued their friendship and closeness. The last time my husband called his father, he said my mom is with her, that she came to cook soup for him. Hubby asked him to give her the phone and was like, ‘mamalistic mama please take care of my father very well oh, you know he is the only one I have.’

Hubby is so happy that his father can be happy again. He said since they lost their mom, he has not been happy this way.”

But is this right? Is it proper for them to be doing that? She asked.