…as she recounts her difficult ordeals in Life

By Hope James

A lady identified as Adah Dobele has recounted the difficult ordeals she has had to go through in life. Stating that she is grateful for her late husband who accepted her with her 7 children from different fathers and proposed before he met her.

Adah was abandoned at an early age by her father and had to grow up early and fend for herself and her mother.

“I grew up as a neglected child, and so I began to get involved in business to please my mother. By involving in business at the age of 12, I took an early edge.

“I was raped by a man who later became my husband at the age of 15 and I was his 3rd wife. I walked away from my abusive marriage at the age of 22 after 3 children. He kept reminding me that I was ugly and that he was doing me a favor by marrying me.

“I got married again, had four children, and was abused again by my second husband.

“I left him and concentrated on taking care of my 7 children, as I had given up hope that I would find a man who would love me.

“When I met someone online, he was so serious about me, he wanted marriage and wanted to come to Kenya to visit me. He was so concerned about my children.

“I was so surprised and felt that he was prompted by evil spirits or was a scammer.

According to her, he was a man of God, who loved God and prayed a lot, ” and he made me draw closer to Hod. He never insulted me in the 10 and a half years that we lived together.

“My confidence started to return slowly as my husband kept telling me how beautiful I am. And I wrote a book with the help of God about my testimony.

“We started a ministry, preaching God’s word to people and people thought I used jazz on my husband some of my friends were responsible for spreading this rumor, saying I must have a witch doctor somewhere for me to get a wealthy husband like that.

“My husband returned to Germany and got sick and we mistook it for Covid-19 when his condition got worse, we went to the hospital and discovered it was malaria but it was too late by then, as he died.

Adah now oversees the ministry and projects they started together.