Gloria Ogbu


There was panic in Izombe community in the Oguta Local Government Area of Imo State, on Saturday after gunmen invaded the community, shooting and destroying properties.

Residents fled into the bushes from their homes for safety following the incident.

This development came barely ten hours after some gunmen invaded a neighbouring community, Agwa, and killed four police officers and an Okada rider.

According to report, some soldiers had arrived the community to remedy the situation.

An undisclosed source said: ‘’ Our community is under siege now. Ebubeagu have invaded our community, shooting indiscriminately, burning vehicles and destroying shops. They came from Agwa. Our lives are not safe. Please alert security agents.”

Another source said he had ran into his house with his family and shut the doors.

He said ” we have locked ourselves inside and we are here praying to God. They are shooting randomly and destroying things. This is so scary. But I am hearing that soldiers have arrived now to combat them.”


The police spokesperson, for the command, Micheal Abattam, is yet to respond to Newsmen concerning the incident.